Profile PictureRebel Mama

50 Print on Demand Shop Ideas & Products

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50 Print on Demand Shop Ideas & Products

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50 Print on Demand Shop ideas & Products features...

Over 30 pages of Print on Demand Shop ideas, Product ideas for that specific shop, & file sizes for every product!

STEP-BY-STEP visual directions teaching you how to design on canva & upload your design to Printify.

As well as a special link to get you 30 days of CANVA PRO for FREE inside!!

I fyou are just starting with print on demand, if you have a shop and are not sure what products you should offer BESIDES JUST SHIRTS, this ebook is for you!!

&& I INCLUDED ALL THE px or in file sizing needed for EACH PRODUCT!!! Making it easier for you to get started designing today!!!

Would you consider yourself not creative or maybe you don't have time to design, upload & list? I CAN HELP YOU!!

click here to hire me as your POD Product & Shop Designer>>>>>

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30 pg ebook including shop&product ideas, sizing for products, step-by-step visual directions to designing & uploading, & special link for 30 days of Canva Pro Free

5.18 MB
38 pages
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